《我愛學語文》跨課程閱讀理解 | 小一至小六
- 全書共 6 冊,每冊設 26 個訓練,配合中文科閱讀重點
- 選材配合中文科與常識科學習內容,方便跨課程學習
- 篇章配合常識主題,擴闊閱讀範疇
- 參考閱讀層次擬題,加強理解能力
- 設「常識資料室」,提高學生學習興趣
- 設「字詞庫」,幫助學生累積詞彙
- 設「字詞分類表」,加強運用效果
- 附「參考答案」,方便查核
Lighthouse Reading Comprehension | P1-P6
Lighthouse Reading Comprehension is a brand new set of supplementary workbooks to further enrich the Lighthouse for Hong Kong series.- A 12 books series specially designed for Primary 1 to 6 students.
- Sharpen students' reading skills in preparation for exams.
- Help students develop and improve their reading comprehension skills through a wide variety of reading practices with up-to-date themes.
Key Feature
- Reading skill sections and vocabulary learning in context
- Reading Skills teaching with clear examples
- Picture Dictionaries (KS1) and Glossaries (KS2) with close practice
- Reading passages with authentic text types and engaging Reading across the Curriculum (RaC) topics
- Authentic Text Types: General Studies, IT, Chinese Culture, Maths, Visual Arts
- Daily life text types: Stories, Posters, Poems, Web Pages, News Articles, Notices
- Varied question types are organised into four major categories
- 4 Major Categories: Reading skill questions, RaC Questions, Challenge Questions, HKAT Questions
- Bilingual Answer Booklets with explanatory notes to facilitate self-learning
- e-Learning support through QR codes
- e-Learning support: Reading Text Videos, Vocabulary Videos, Google Forms Practice
小學數學 解題+思維 雙向訓練(第二版)
1. 專家主編- 文耀光博士(香港教育大學 數學與資訊科技學系)
- 梁志強博士(香港教育大學 數學與資訊科技學系)
- 1 上至 6 下,共 12 冊。
- 根據最新小學數學課程編寫。
- 每冊設 18 至 20 個練習,練習編排完全配合《小學數學新思維 (第二版)》課本。
- 每課練習分為打好基礎、備戰考試和提分祕笈三部分,題目由淺入深。
- 滲入 TSA 及 HKAT 題型,並加入跨課題題目,有效提高考試成績。
- 提供温習筆記及找線索,鼓勵學生自學。
- 解題策略訓練通過高階題目,引導學生運用不同的解題策略,提升思維能力。
- 跨課題訓練結合新學和已有的知識,訓練學生綜合運用數學知識的能力。
- 非常規應用題訓練針對出錯率高的應用題,訓練學生的審題能力。
- 特設動筆記和思考步驟自學短片,掃描 QR Code 即可觀看。
- 附送模擬試卷,作考試前最後操練。
- 附送答案詳解冊,解釋答案及常犯錯誤。